Attendance Requirements

Student Records & Registration

Attendance Requirements

Students are responsible for meeting the attendance requirements for each course in which they are enrolled. Should a student deem it necessary to withdraw from a course, the student is responsible for initiating the withdrawal and completing the process as established by the College.

Faculty are responsible for informing students of attendance requirements, as stated in the course syllabus at the beginning of the academic term. Faculty should submit accurate attendance records. Faculty are expected to utilize available communication and support tools to alert students and appropriate College staff of attendance and academic performance concerns.

Students are expected to attend each credit course in which they are registered by the 10% (census) date of the course. Distance Education students registered in fully online courses must complete the required entry assignment by the 10% date to remain enrolled. Distance Education students registered in partially-online courses must attend a scheduled, on-campus class session or complete the required entry assignment to maintain enrollment. If a student does not attend a course as required, the faculty member will report the student as a “No Show”, as mandated by the North Carolina Community College System. In such cases, the student will be dropped from the course and will be issued a refund for the cost of the course. Students receiving financial aid should consult with Financial Aid staff to determine the impact on financial aid eligibility and obligations.

Regular class attendance is a student responsibility and essential to receiving maximum benefit from the educational experience. Students are expected to attend and be on time for all classes and lab, shop, and/or clinic sessions.

Some programs may have outside regulatory bodies that require a minimum of course attendance hours. The attendance requirements will be stated within the course syllabus. Students are responsible for course content when absent, including tests and assignments, and for coming prepared to the class following the absence.

Excused Absences

Students will be permitted excused absences in specific circumstances. In such cases, the student will be provided reasonable opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed, or will not be penalized for the missed work. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the faculty member about absences, obtain necessary approvals, and complete the required work within the timeframe agreed upon.

Extended excused absences may significantly impede the student’s ability to make satisfactory progress and achieve the course learning objectives. In such cases, the College will work with the student to determine the best options for course completion or discontinuance.


In the event of the death of an immediate family member (such as parent, sibling, offspring, spouse or significant other), students should notify their faculty member(s) of the death and impending absence prior to the absence or shortly thereafter. Appropriate documentation may be required.

Hospitalization or Medical Incapacitation

In cases of illness or medical conditions which impact a student’s ability to attend or participate in courses, faculty may request that students provide a note from a physician or documentation indicating that the absence from class is warranted. Students with extended hospitalization or medical incapacitation should refer to the Medical Withdrawal section.

Jury Duty

The College respects the need for all citizens to serve on a jury when called to duty. For students serving as jurors, class absences will be considered excused when the students provide advance notice to each of their faculty members, each faculty member acknowledges the request, and the students provide written verification of jury selection and proof of service.

Military Service

Any student who is in the United States Armed Forces who has received temporary or permanent reassignment as a result of military operations, or any student who is a National Guard service member placed into State active duty status during an academic term, will be granted an excused absence for the period of time the student is on active duty. In addition to making the faculty member(s) aware, students should contact the Records Office to complete the process. Students with extended military duty should refer to the Military Withdrawal section.

Religious Observance

Students are allowed two days of excused absences each academic year for religious observances, as required by law. Students must notify faculty in writing of expected religious absence and receive confirmation prior to being absent.

Title IX

The College recognizes the rights of students to be tardy or absent due to conditions covered under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits a school from discriminating against a student based on “student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions” (pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § 106.40(b)(1) of the Federal Government). Requests for accommodations are the responsibility of the student and must be submitted through the College’s Title IX Coordinator.

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